Hi!! Im Peapod with tease of a salt~ 🌱 ✨

Art and Price

For commercial use, an additional fee of 1.5x will be applied to the service price or the total price.
Untuk commercial use, akan ditambahkan harga x1.5 dari harga service atau total semua harga.

Bust Up

$20 | 90K IDR

Half Body

$30 | 130K IDR

Full Body

$50 | 200K IDR


$7 | 50K IDR


$3/1 emote| 10K IDR/1 emote

Order Queue

3 Order in Queue | November- 1 Certificate design for Ageru Art Studio
- Mizu bust-up for MV
- Njess 2 half body for MV
Waitlist December (FULL)
- Ayvoli
- Melty
- Unga
- Umemire
Waitlist January
- Mizu Emotes & Meme's picture